Follow the steps below to enable Auto-Download of ALL FILES on your Philips LFH-9370 Digital Pocket Memo:
1. Connect the Philips 9370 DPM to your PC.
2. Open the SpeechExec Dictate software.
3. Go to Settings > General Settings > DPM/DT Configuration > Download.
4. Select Click Here to modify download options.
5. Go to Download Settings, select All Files.
DELETE OPTION: You can program the software to automatically erase the files from the DPM once the files are downloaded onto the computer.  To enable this features, Select Delete files on the DPM after download is finished.
6. Click OK

7. You will be prompted to transfer the DPM Settings, click YES.
Congratulations, you have successfully configured auto download of all files on the Philips LFH-9370 Digital Pocket Memo. 

Verification Source:  In-house testing