Which Versions of WordPerfect Does Dragon Work With?

Using Dragon in WordPerfect I have Corel® WordPerfect and Dragon. Do they work together? Environment Windows 7, 8, 10 Dragon NaturallySpeaking 12, 13 Dragon Individual and Group 14 Dragon Individual 15 Dragon Medical Practice Edition 2 Corel WordPerfect X5, X6, X7, X8   Summary Since there are so many versions of Dragon and WordPerfect out…

Using Dragon Medical Practice Edition Outside of the Clinic

Using Dragon Medical Outside of the Office Many healthcare providers prefer (or need) to document their patient encounters outside of the office/clinic environment. Whether they’re catching up on patient charts or working remotely, clinicians regularly ask us about installing Dragon on their laptops, dictating with their smartphones, routing files to transcriptionists, and more. To address…

How to Use Dragon Text and Graphics Commands Over Remote Desktop

Dragon Commands Over RDP When I use Dragon Medical (installed on my computer) over Windows® Terminal Services (aka Remote Desktop Protocol), I lose the ability to dictate my text and graphics commands. Currently, I have to use the Dictation Box to transfer these commands/templates. Environment Dragon Medical Practice Edition 1 or 2 (installed locally) Windows…